A Partnership with Africa (APA)

A Partnership with Africa (APA)
Kimmage Manor,
Whitehall Rd,
D12 P5YP
Dublin 12

Not-For-Profit Information

​A Partnership with Africa (APA) is an Irish Charity which supports a partnership-based approach to development wherever it works - presently in Ethiopia, Tanzania and Kenya. Since its charitable founding in 2004, APA has supported projects that focus on areas such as preventing the spread of HIV/AIDS, engaging with domestic workers and bar workers to challenge exploitative working conditions, ensuring community inclusion of ethnic minorities and the establishment of clean water sources for rural communities. APA also engages with awareness education in Ireland that facilitates communities in Ireland to take responsibility for others in the name of our common humanity, especially those who are broken, in pain and burdened.

Number of paid employees: 
6-10 employees
Current board size: 
Annual turnover: 
€250,000 - €500,000
Not-for-Profit focus: 
International Development


Office Address

Kimmage Manor,
Whitehall Rd,
D12 P5YP
Dublin 12