Reach Deaf Services Board Vacancies
Reach Deaf Services is seeking expressions of interest from individuals who are passionate about making a difference by sharing their skills, knowledge, and experience in support of our mission to be a leading organisation. We are currently seeking Board members for both the Reach Deaf Services Board and our subsidiary board - National Deaf Village Sports and Leisure Company - trading as Inspire Fitness Centre.
We are looking for voluntary directors who will play an active role in helping the organisation achieve its purpose. Candidates from the Deaf, HOH, and Hearing communities, as well as professionals from the business and voluntary sectors, are encouraged to apply. We welcome expertise in areas such as Deaf Community issues, financial management, governance, safeguarding, compliance and the leisure industry. This is a voluntary, unpaid position.
About Reach Deaf Services
Established in 1875, Reach Deaf Services is non-profit charity enabling the Deaf Community and Deaf people generally to achieve their full potential and to have equality of access and opportunity in all aspects of their lives.
Reach Deaf Services focuses on the areas of education, social care, pastoral and spiritual work.
Reach Deaf Services is in receipt of funding from the Health Service Executive for the boarding campus accommodating children attending the specialised Holy Family School for the Deaf and a Community Supported Living Service which supports vulnerable Deaf and Deaf Blind adults living in their own homes. Reach Deaf Services directly manages these services and is the trustee of the Holy Family School.
The National Deaf Village Sports and Leisure Company Limited, which now trades as the Inspire Fitness Centre, is a subsidiary company of Reach Deaf Services.
Our key services include:
- Reach Deaf Services Community/Supported Living Service
- Reach Deaf Services Boarding Campus for Deaf Children
- The National Chaplaincy for Deaf People
- Trustees of the Holy Family School for the Deaf
About the Role
Reach Deaf Services wishes to engage voluntary directors who will play an active role in assisting the organisation achieve its purpose.
As a director, your role is to provide leadership to the company within a framework of prudent and effective controls, which enables risk to be assessed and managed.
In contributing to the effective governance of the organisation you will also be asked to sit on one of four Board Sub-Committees. The current Sub-Committees include:
- Finance, Audit and Risk Committee
- Governance, Strategy and Organisational Development Committee
- Safeguarding, Welfare and Protection Committee
- Remuneration and Appointments Committee
The Board is assisted in its role by the CEO and the Executive Senior Management Team which is comprised Finance Controller, Head of Adult Services, Head of Care, IT Manager, Property and Facilities Manager and HR and Governance.
Competency & Skills Required for the Role
Given the services and supports offered by Reach Deaf Services on behalf of the HSE and the governance and compliance landscape within which Reach Deaf Services operates, it is imperative that the Board has the skills, competencies and behaviours required to ensure effective governance and oversight.
Reach Deaf Services is currently seeking a director with knowledge and subject matter expertise in the area of Deaf Community issues, financial management, governance, safeguarding and compliance matters.
Perspective board members are encouraged to apply for this role with the requirement that they can demonstrate both the relevance of their skills and experience. The person appointed will demonstrate a genuine commitment to Reach Deaf Services ethos and vision. The successful candidate will ideally have the skills and attributes detailed below.
Irish Sign Language (ISL) and Deaf Culture are a key part of how our services are provided. Board members are encouraged to learn ISL with classes being provided by the organisation.
In addition, the following skills and competencies are provided as a general guide to perspective candidates and are indicative of the more general skills required for effective governance.
Behavioural Competencies
Ability & willingness to challenge and probe
Integrity & high ethical standards
Common sense & sound judgement
Understanding of effective decision-making processes
Willingness & ability to devote time and energy to the role
Team Player/Collaborative
Interpersonal skills
Active Listening skills
Good communication skills
Willingness to share knowledge and Experience through coaching and or mentoring
Governance Competencies
Previous Director Experience
Financial literacy
Strategic thinking/planning from a Governance perspective
Risk Management from a Governance perspective
Compliance/Legal knowledge
Application Process
Candidates are invited to contact Nessan Vaughan via phone or text at 0872515307 should you like to discuss this role further and learn more about Reach Deaf Services.