Virtual Board & Committee Meeting Guidelines

Since the outbreak of COVID-19 in early 2020, our non-profits and charities have faced challenges we had never seen before. It was new territory for all of us and difficult to navigate. 

In response to the needs of boards and committees, Boardmatch put together a guide to help charities and non-profits run their board and committee meetings remotely.  Initially our guides were a resource to encourage board members not to cancel board meetings and support boards and committees in their remote working. As organisations are now used to meeting online, we hope that our revised guidelines will enable your board or committee to continue to grow your effectiveness in an online environment, engage all board members to participate, and successfully introduce new board members to your virtual meetings. 

Our guides were reviewed in September 2021. If you have any questions, email us on 


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Virtual AGM Guide


Virtual Board & Committee Meetings

How to get started with virtual AGM, board and committee meetings for your not-for-profit or charity

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There are many benefits to virtual board meetings. But they can feel intimidating before you get used to them.

They are quite different from face-to-face meetings.

So we have put together a few guides to help you and your board get started.

Virtual meeting

Virtual AGM Guide

Guide to holding a virtual AGM, developed in partnership with Charities Institute Ireland and Arthur Cox

Virtual Interview Guide

This guide is for not-for-profits who are currently preparing to interview candidates for their board and committees.

Chair Guide

We have one guide for the Chairperson. It explains how to schedule and organise the meeting, and ideas how to make the meeting run smoothly, and get everyone comfortable and engaged.

Trustee Guide

We have a separate guide for trustees and others who attend a virtual board or committee meeting (e.g. CEO, manager, staff, advisors).