80:20 Educating and Acting for a Better World

80:20 Educating and Acting for a Better World

Not-For-Profit Information

80:20 Educating and Acting for a Better World is a development education organisation promoting popular education on human development and human rights rooted in that sector and its history for over 20 years.

For 80:20, education is fundamental to understanding the shape and nature of our unequal world, to interacting with that world as well as to imagining and shaping a different world.

As such the organisation has a primary core focus on the intrinsic links and challenges between international development co-operation (broadly defined) and development education.

80:20 is an independent non-governmental organisation seeking to articulate and promote the voices and interests of the world’s poor, marginalised and excluded. It seeks to participate in and reflect a civil society agenda as regards Ireland’s role and responsibilities in the world.

For more, see our strategic plan 2018-2022 https://8020.ie/about-us/

Number of paid employees: 
1-5 employees
Current board size: 
Annual turnover: 
€100,000 - €250,000
Not-for-Profit focus: 
Civil and Human Rights, Education, Training & Research, International Development, Youth
