Ballyroan Community and Youth Centre

Ballyroan Community and Youth Centre
Marian Road
Dublin 16

Not-For-Profit Information

We are a local community and youth centre, meeting as many of the local needs as the premises will allow. We are open from 7 am to 11 pm. Our aim is to promote health and well being, inclusion, diversity and learning. For example, one of our latest projects is Cairde, designed to assist parents with the care of their schoolgoing children, through provision of anutritious breakfast., walking bus to and from local schools and hsomework support. This project meets elements of all five of our strategies, and is a great success. A long running service we provide is Meals on Wheels, supported by 140 volunteers and funded by the HSE. Pobal and South Dublin County Council provide various grants to support our work.

Ballyroan Community & Youth Centre (B.C.Y.C.) is a valued Centre in our community and provides a range of activities and services to meet the social and economic needs of all in Ballyroan and the surrounding areas. Over the past seven years we have developed and refined our strategy for the Centre, which sets out our Vision, our Mission and 5 key strategies to meet our organisational goals. Our Business Plan sets out the key initiatives and activities we plan to achieve over the period 2017-2019.
2. Our Vision (what we do)
We at B.C.Y.C. warmly welcome all members of our community. We provide a wide range of activities in a safe environment. We encourage community wide participation through Friendship, Learning, Fitness and Fun.
3. Our Mission (how we do it)
B.C.Y.C. works with local and national service providers to promote, develop and implement cost effective community services and activities within a socially inclusive program framework.
4. Our 5 strategies
We have identified 5 key strategic areas to underpin and focus our services and activities. These are:
Strategy 1: Revenue Generation
Strategy 2: Health and Wellbeing
Strategy3: Education and Learning
Strategy 4: Social Inclusion
Strategy 5: Volunteer program

Number of paid employees: 
11-20 employees
Current board size: 
Annual turnover: 
€250,000 - €500,000
Not-for-Profit focus: 
Children and Families, Local Community Development


Office Address

Marian Road
Dublin 16