Fingal LEADER Partnership run several programmes promoting social inclusion, providing supports for enterprise development and employment creation, providing education opportunities, reducing climate change, and assisting community groups to find local solutions to local problems. The Rural Development Programme, in the rural area of county Dublin, WorkAbility Programme in Fingal, the Care & Repair, TÚS programme and RSS – Rural Social Scheme in North County Fingal.
The LEADER Initiative (Liaisons entre actions de development de Léconomie Rurale – links between actions of rural development) was established by the European Commission in 1991 and is a method of mobilising and delivering rural development in local rural communities. LEADER uses a ‘bottom-up’ or community led local development approach to rural development. Through the framework of local development strategies with all funding decisions being made at a local level by Local Action Groups (LAG) LEADER can and does make a real difference to the daily lives of people in rural areas.
The purpose of LEADER
The main aim of LEADER is to strengthen the rural economy and to improve the quality of life in rural areas. Through focusing on the key principles of innovation, sustainability, social inclusion and economic viability and links with other organisations, LEADER can make a significant contribution to sustaining our rural economy, communities and environment. economic growth and job creation are essential to the growth of rural areas. Sustainable use of local and natural resources will improve the economic viability of rural areas in the long term.
Who are Dublin Rural LEADER
Dublin Rural LEADER is a not for profit community led local development company with responsibility for implementing the LEADER 2023-2027 Programme in the rural areas of Fingal, South Dublin County and Dun Laoghaire/Rathdown. It is also responsible for implementing the TÚS and RSS initiatives in North Fingal. Dublin Rural LEADER has over 20 year’s experience delivering a wide range of supports and services to communities, individuals and rural businesses.
We are the Implementing partner for Dublin Rural LAG which is a sub group of the Fingal LCDC (Local Community Development Committee) The LAG will have the final say on all funding applications.
Fingal LEADER Partnership is managed by a Board made up of representatives from national social partners, community & voluntary sectors, and statutory sectors. The Board is the overall decision-making body on policy, appointments, and finance. The Board is responsible for deciding the strategic approach of the company, formulation of policy, and for the implementation of its programmes. The specific powers and duties of the Board are set out in the company’s Constitution.
The strategic roles of the Board are to:
- Maintain a long-term overview of Fingal LEADER Partnership Clg and its work
- Make strategic, major, and often difficult decisions about the company’s objectives, policies, and procedures
- Ensure that the company’s strategic plans are implemented in accordance with the company’s mission statement
- Ensure that adequate resources (particularly people and funding) are available to implement the strategic plans
- Guarantee that the expenditure of allocated funds will accord strictly with funding guidelines
- Regularly monitor the implementation of the company’s strategic plans
- Adjust the strategic plans in response to changing circumstances
- Oversee and communicate with the committees, working groups, and associated special project working groups