Treo Port Lairge CLG

Treo Port Lairge CLG
Unit 2 Block 4
Lacken Rd., Business Park
X91 PW29
Co Waterford

Not-For-Profit Information

Treo Port Láirge CLG is a community-based organisation funded by the Department of Justice through the Probation Service. Treo works with young people from the age of 16 years old and its main aim is to reduce criminal activity among its target group thus contributing to making Waterford a safer community in which to live. Treo offers educational, social, and vocational support while challenging the offending attitudes and behaviours of its participants. Treo also operates an Outreach Engagement Service in West Waterford.

Treo operates a Social Enterprise called Renew. Renew provides full-time employment to people from Treo’s target group who have experienced barriers to employment. Renew produces various products and services, including Bicycle Repair, E-Bike rental, Small Engine Repair, Woodcraft products, and Accredited courses in Bicycle and Four-Stroke Engine Repair.

In Dungarvan, Treo, in partnership with Waterford and Wexford Education & Training Board and Tusla, operates an “Outreach/Engagement” Service. The service aims to connect with disengaged people from West Waterford aged 16 plus, to reconnect back into education, training and employment opportunities.

A voluntary management committee oversees the work undertaken. It comprised Treo company directors supported by individuals with expertise who were invited to contribute at monthly board and sub-group meetings. This management committee includes a retired Garda JLO, a retired Principal Youthreach, a retired Tusla COO, a retired Accountant, a Dept. of Employment Affairs and Social Protection, a Garda JLO Waterford City, Senior Probation Officer, a retired DEASP with Homelessness expertise, a Garda JLO Dungarvan, an educational training officer within WWETB.

Board members, invited specialists and staff and undertook much subcommittee work i.e. Staffing, Governance/Compliance, Education/Training, Finance, and Renew Social Enterprise.

Treo does not exist in a vacuum, we engage with many agencies in our community. (statutory/ community/ voluntary) These agencies include WWETB, the HSE, Tusla, Irish Prison Service, IASIO, Community Based Drugs Initiatives, Department of Employment Affairs & Social Protection, Youth Diversion Projects, Aiseiri, Ceim Eile, WYTEC, Youthreach, Subla Youthreach, Waterford City & County Council, Garda Siochana, McGwire House Men’s Hostel, Focus Ireland, Southeast Simon, Waterford Sports Partnership, Tintéan Housing and Oasis House Women’s Refuge.

In January 2024 Ministers James Browne and Mary Butler jointly launched our Strategic Plan 2024-2027. This strategic plan represents a collaborative effort to address the unique needs and aspirations of our community, reflecting our dedication to creating a positive impact on the lives of those we serve.

Number of paid employees: 
11-20 employees
Current board size: 
Annual turnover: 
€500,000 - €1,000,000
Not-for-Profit focus: 
Community Welfare & Social Services


Office Address

Unit 2 Block 4
Lacken Rd., Business Park
X91 PW29
Co Waterford